Monday, March 31, 2008

Artist Statement/Defense

If anyone still checks this blog, I asked Tanya and she said we can hand in the artist statement on Wednesday during her office hours. That'll give us a little more time to finish up our projects :).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hey Victoria,

I'm not sure whether you want to ask Greg to help you put the stickers on or not,but I still went to check the price of the price stamper. They had 2 types one cost $14.99 and the other $19.99. and they sold the stickers there too at $0.99/roll.

The place is at the tiny mall across the parking lot of Metrosquare called the New Century Plaza and it's on the lower level so you'll need to go down the stairs. if you go down the stairs and walk foward all the way to the backish area on the right side I think, it should be there. you can always ask those people there!

Monday, March 3, 2008

anyone have any ideas what other "word" i can use besides "great"
i need something to fill into my cigarette promotion catagory.
so it has to be "it's __________" something.

its awesome!
its tasty!

help anyone?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hey guys... I posted some more images on my xanga page... go check out and give me some comments please...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hi guys...

I was wondering whether I can get some suggestions on what I have so far... it's on my xanga page at


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey guys... this is the Japanese, Berlin artist and her website...


Monday, February 4, 2008

I came across this short article about LED lights that might be of interest to Russel's project.

Also, I was wondering if anyone got into the facebook group that Will was talking about last time?